About Alliance House Foundation
Our Origin & Mission

Originally founded in 1942 as the United Temperance Alliance, Alliance House has origins stretching back to 1st June,1853 when the UKA was founded.
The UKTA was later established under a memorandum, and articles of association incorporated, on 23rd February 1942 with the aims and objectives:
"To spread the principles of total abstinence from alcoholic drinks and to promote the moral and physical welfare of the community."
"To promote the scientific study of the properties of alcohol and the effect of its use upon the human system, the social and moral consequences and the distribution of information on the subject."
To this day, we continue to promote total abstinence as a lifestyle choice, but we are not seeking to enforce it by legislation. We believe a totally alcohol free society would be one reached by agreement.
The Alliance House Name
In 1937, the directors of the United Kingdom Alliance took the decision that the temperance movement would benefit from building a HQ in London. The building was built and opened in 1938.
In 1942, the United Kingdom Temperance Alliance was created and registered as a charity to carry on the educational work of the Temperance Alliance. As a charity, Alliance House would be able to receive legacies and charitable donations.
The building was passed to the charity and UKTA were able to receive charitable legacies and donations.
In June 2003, the name UKTA Ltd was officially changed to Alliance House Foundation.

People of Alliance House

Alliance House is governed by a board of charity trustees.
Our Current Board Members:
Professor Reverend Stephen Orchard (Chair)
Asif Abubaker
Michael Carr
Jon Curtis
John Ellis
Reverend Dr Janet Tollington
What We Offer
We make financial grants to other charities who align with our aims and objectives.
We are the main donor to the Institute of Alcohol Studies.
A Historical Temperance Library and Archive
Available for Consultation by appointment.
Information on Temperance and Alcohol